Ashton spent his first Christmas with his Grandma and Grandpa Smith, and cousin Elen who came to stay with us over the holidays. We all slept in and did presents in the early afternoon followed by a sit-down Christmas dinner around 5:30pm. I suspect this is the last time we’ll ever get to sleep in on Christmas!
On Christmas Eve, Daniel, Ashton and I visited Great Grandma Thomas and visited with some of Sara’s cousins and an aunt and uncle. Ashton charmed them all.
Enid dug out all of Daniel’s old wooden blocks and duplo/legos and did an amazing packing job to bring them here to give to Ashton. She also created an album of Daniel’s baby photos for us and gave us an art print of Ashton’s windmill suitable for framing.
Grandma Anderson got Ashton a ride-on Tonka truck which Ashton loves, though he still requires assistance since he can’t get on or off by himself. The Anderson clan came over on Boxing Day for Brunch. Daniel and I got him some more board books, a small wooden train set, and a garage with cars/helicopters that Ashton mistakes for a climbing structure – hence the garage looks like King Kong came through town. He got money from both great grandmas which will be deposited in a bank account we’re starting for him.
Yep, this kid’s spoiled 🙂