going forwards

and sideways, up and down, and all around – Ashton is super mobile! Within the past few weeks, he has mastered forward crawling, crawl-to-sit, sit-to-crawl, and roll-to-crawl. He’s all over the place, but fortunately rarely in a hurry (so I can still keep up). Ashton’s also mastered pulling himself up on just about anything – furniture, people, even bare walls… and thankfully figured out to gracefully get back down (well at least to not topple over – it was rather precarious for a while).

going backwards

Ashton has figured out how to get up on his knees and crawl backwards and round in circles. Not the most efficient means, but he can get across a room… just not to the side of the room he wants to go. Poor guy finds himself getting further away from a toy he’s chasing rather than closer. And he gets feet stuck under the couch.


It was already determined that Ashton loves swings. He’d been on the big kids swing sitting on mommy or daddy’s lap, and also in the swing on our porch at home. So, it was no surprise that he loved the baby swings at the Jade Street Park. He still doesn’t quite fit in them, but he fixed that leaning forward so he didn’t flop around.

A light lunch

With the help of one of Daddy’s coolest flashlights, Ashton sported his Yoda costume for Halloween. Ashton thought the light saber was for eating though rather than fending off bad guys. He wore his costume to the grocery store where he got lots of attention and flirted with some customers. Then grandma took him and Kaylin to see some of her friends later in the day.

First shopping cart ride

Well, outside of the baby seat anyhow. I managed to rig up the Ergo baby carrier to secure him into place (he’s still a bit floppy in the sitting department). Ashton had a blast and enjoyed a long stroll around K-Mart where we looked for Halloween costumes.

First haircut

The crazy hair was getting just a bit too crazy. I didn’t want to chop it, because I was afraid the curls on top would be gone for good, but the hair was starting to get in Ashton’s eyes and bother him. I had thought we should do this while he was asleep, but we decided to live on the edge and cut it while awake. I held him while Daddy used the scissors. It actually turned out better than expected. But now Ashton looks more like a kid than a baby 🙁

Before After

Great Pumpkins!

Ashton visited the pumpkin patch today with Grandma, Erin, and Kaylin.  And good news… Ashton loves pumpkins. Probably because they’re big and colorful. He also sat on a tractor and showed us how tall he is.

Ashton finds his tongue



I’ve been sticking out my tongue at him for months. For the last month or so, this would get a laugh, but today, he stuck out his tongue back. His little tongue was in and out of his mouth all morning as he proudly showed off his new skill.

more bouncy fun

Ashton loves things that bounce. Toys, us, him… its all good, esp. if you provide sound effects. So, its no surprise that he loves his new doorway bouncer. I kind of thought these had all been recalled due to “safety issues”, but I found this one at the used kids store. And I can see that baby must never be left unattended, since the action can get a bit wild. Ashton looks a bit like a ballerina in this, since he can’t fully touch the floor, and ends up spinning around in circles balancing on one set of toes.